Alright, I did not finish my animation clip this week. But I used the time for networking and meeting new people in the game developing industry. I have a pretty cool idea that I would love to bring to life in unity as an educational game. Meeting people who use this program in the Area has helped me understand that it is not as difficult as I thought it would be to create a game in Unity. I even found a 10 min demo that was so simple to understand. I was surprised by how easy it was. The one thing I am unsure is learning JAVA SCRIPT. JAVA is one of the languages used to add functions to your models and animation from Maya in Unity.
Alright back to what you all came to hear. I will list the different networking tools and how they are extremely helpful.

First and foremost there is Blogger. Those of you who have already made it to this blog already know how easy it is to post shareable information and updated info on your progress or new experiences. Blogger is simple to setup and use. especially with its ability to create blogs that can be scheduled to be posted in the future.
A great example of two people who have successful used blogger for networking and showcasing their work are Travis Simpkins and Andy Fish:

Facebook is great for keeping in touch with people you have met in the industry. you can send private messages instead of posting to ones page for everyone to see. Showcase your progress on your page and share new things you have seen online. It is easy to get feedback and comments from others on making your work better.

Twitter is a good program for following news on groups, company's and meetups. They post information and it is instantly sent and updated on your following page. Only one warning. When you post to Twitter it can not be edited or deleted so when posting make sure it is something you wont regret and check your spelling. :)

Meetup is an online program used to show groups getting together in your local area. it is where you can find out different events and people to talk to that have similar interests.

Eventbrite is used to register for events. Some larger company's use eventbrite to find out how many are going to their event and it gives them time to plan, create name tags and have enough supplies for everyone who shows up.

Linked in is great for networking with others in your own industry. It allows you to post your work history and skills so that you can find those with similar interests. It also has groups that you can join and learn with others the new trends, technology and tips.

Google plus has a great feature where you can create groups. you can post information to individual group that you have created. It also has a great feature called Google hangouts. Google hang outs is used to web chat using video and text with numerous people. you can post an invite to a group of people and then can join when they see it posted in their Google page.

Youtube is good for posting your animation work so that you can share it in your other networking tools. especially the ones listed above, But if you are posting your own work make sure you stamp your name in it some where so that someone else does not steal your work and show it as your own. Its a tough world out there and it does happen.
Well good luck at keep at it. its a tough world out there and you need to get out there and talk with others in the field you want to be in. The more connections you make the easier it is to mingle.